MBC Recitation in English: Main focus –The Sixth Field of Practice: Acting mindfully in groups and organisations
Datum: 06.01.2025 ab 07:45 UhrTyp:
Ort: International
MBC Recitation in English: Main focus –The Sixth Field of Practice: Acting mindfully in groups and organisations
Topline: We offer a bi-monthly recitation of the Mindful Business Commitment on the first Monday of odd-numbered months from 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. (CET: Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin...)
For dedicated practitioners who wish to build community and strengthen their individual resolve, we offer a bi-monthly recitation of the Mindful Business Commitment (MBC). We have been reciting the Mindful Business Commitment together online in German since March 2019. Many of us appreciate this regular practice as strengthening, connecting and nurturing.
In 2022 we decided to offer the recitation in English as well — as nourishment for our growing international business sangha.
We recite the MBC on the first Monday of each month. In even months, we will use the German version and in odd months we will recite the English version. Subsequent sharing will take place in the language(s) most suited to the participants. With a beginner´s mind we look forward to practicing together in the common language of mindfulness.
These recitations are a chance for us to connect with our deeper intentions, in a group of like-minded practitioners. This is not a beginner event or introduction to the Network for Mindful business. We ask that you read the Mindful Business Commitment in advance to see if the content speaks to you. The recitation allows those who feel a resonance to remind themselves of their resolve, deepen their contemplation and light their path.
Time is dedicated to sharing our experiences and practices. While allowing room for uncertainties or the koan-like questions that we may carry with us, the dharma sharing should not become a discussion of business ethics or economic ideas.
At our retreats, there is generally a chance to publicly commit to these MBC principles in a circle of friends. Speak to Kai Romhardt if you are curious whether a particular retreat will offer this “Ceremony of Support”.
It can be helpful to bring your own printed copy of the MBC to the reading. Our website offers the MBC in several languages.
We start at 7.45 and end at 8.45 a.m. (CET, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin...). Please dial in some minutes before the start so that we have a relaxed and concentrated start together... :-)
Meeting-ID: 874 9391 0406
Kenncode: 038392
Below are the planned dates for 2024/25:
Date |
MBC Version |
4th March |
English: The First Field of Practice: Anchoring my personal practice |
1. April |
Deutsch: Das 1. Übungsfeld: Persönliche Übungspraxis |
6th May |
English: The Second Field of Practice: Practicing mindful economic thinking and engagement |
3. June |
Deutsch: Das 2. Übungsfeld: Wirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln |
1st July |
English: The Third Field of Practice: Practicing mindful work |
5. August |
Deutsch: Das 3. Übungsfeld: Achtsames Arbeiten |
2nd September |
English: The Fourth Field of Practice: Practicing mindful consumption |
7. Oktober |
Deutsch: Das 4. Übungsfeld: Achtsamer Konsum |
4th November |
English: The Fifth Field of Practice: Practicing mindful stewardship of money and resources |
2. December |
Deutsch: Das 5. Übungsfeld: Achtsamer Umgang mit Geld und Ressourcen |
6th January |
English: The Sixth Field of Practice:Acting mindfully in groups and organisations |
3. Februar |
Deutsch: Das 6. Übungsfeld: Achtsames Wirken im Kollektiven |